Ways to Make Training Inclusive

A diverse group of adults sitting in desks organized in a rectangle, listening to a trainer
  • December 30, 2022

Training materials are the backbone of successful training initiatives. As such, it is critical that the design and creation of these materials allow for a comprehensive learning experience for all involved. That’s why it’s important for trainers to focus on ways to make training more inclusive. But what does this mean?

What Does Inclusivity Mean?

Inclusivity is about making sure everyone feels seen, heard and respected. It means creating a supportive training environment in which all individuals can participate, feel welcome, and have an equal opportunity to grow and succeed.

What Are Some Ways to Make Training More Inclusive?

Ensuring training programs are inclusive is critical for a successful and productive workplace. Here are some ways to approach training to ensure diverse groups feel supported:

Diversify Trainers

Ensuring that trainers come from diverse backgrounds is an essential element of creating an inclusive training environment. Having a representative set of professionals from a variety of ethnic, religious, and cultural backgrounds allows all participants to experience a training environment which reflects their reality. Drawing from the wealth of perspectives experienced by those in the group can help to make the classroom setting more engaging and productive for everyone involved.

 Diversifying trainers for training sessions results in enhanced learning experiences as it provides an opportunity for interaction with different thoughts, opens up conversations to explore new concepts, and makes sure that no one person’s view dominates the conversation.

Use Accessible Language

Accessible language is an effective way to ensure everyone in a training session feels welcomed and engaged. Everyone should have the opportunity to understand and participate, regardless of their educational level or mother language.

As trainers, it is our responsibility to make sure every learner has access to information by providing clear explanations free from slang, jargon, and abbreviations. Additionally, it's beneficial to use words that evoke imagery or create tangible connections with the material until genuine understanding sets in. By employing accessible language, we can reduce misunderstandings, foster greater collaboration and ultimately create a more inclusive learning environment.

Incorporate Appropriate Visuals

Visuals are an important way to deepen understanding and to bridge different communication styles. By leveraging visual content, instructors can help facilitate both active discussions and positive collaboration between learners from diverse backgrounds. Visuals allow learners to process complex concepts in more dynamic ways as they demonstrate steps in processes and provide reference points for conversations about key topics.

Utilize Technology

Technology can be a great way to make training inclusive of individual needs, strengths and preferences. With the use of technology, instructors can reach a broad range of learners with specialized content tailored to their style. Automation tools can help streamline the delivery of training and keep everyone informed of what is expected from them.

 Many modern technology solutions make it possible for those with physical or learning disabilities to access the same material as the rest of their peers, allowing for equal opportunity in learning. Utilizing technology could potentially allow organizations to reach an even wider audience than before, resulting in greater knowledge acquisition skills maximizing its workforce productivity and success.


At Safety Mentor, our team of experts understands the difficulty of crafting training materials that are inclusive and effective. That’s why we offer professionally designed training materials for your training needs. Contact us here to learn more.

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