Safety Mentor Offers Custom eLearning for OSH Professionals

  • December 1, 2020

Let’s face it - the world is constantly changing, and so is technology. So, those training programs you have from the 80’s and 90’s just won’t cut it anymore. That’s why Safety Mentor is dedicated to providing custom eLearning and learning management systems (LMS) solutions to safety managers and occupational safety and health professionals across the globe.

 But what exactly does that mean? Well, it means this: a large number of companies in the world have outdated training programs that are still played on VCR tapes or on a PowerPoint presentation on an overhead projector. The thing is, though, that our world has moved on from these outdated technologies years ago, and your training should, too.

 Our team of Certified Safety Professionals and instructional design experts work diligently to design and operate an LMS to provide a high-quality platform for safety professionals to launch or administer their safety training, programs, and materials. We also provide training content to clients who don’t have existing safety training programs created for their teams, or who need to revamp their very outdated material to appeal to the audience of today.

 Our instructional designers will work alongside your subject matter experts in order to align your educational and training needs to learning outcomes. Safety Mentor’s team of professionals are here to help you develop the ideal custom eLearning program and provides you with an online platform that your learners can use to easily access content. Because easy access to content allows your materials to make a positive difference with your audience and produce fantastic learning outcomes.

 Our full list of offerings and features include: courses & digital classes; documentation; tracking; management; education; content authoring; surveys and polls; reports and analytics; knowledge sharing; mentoring, community, and testing.

If you’re a safety manager who doesn’t have the bandwidth or expertise to take on the process of moving your training online, or if you’re simply looking for custom eLearning for OSH professionals, then you’ve come to the right place. Take a look at our list of services and be sure to contact the friendly folks at Safety Mentor in order to get your custom eLearning and LMS journey started today!

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Want to learn more?

Take a look at our list of services to find out how our team can help take your organization’s safety culture and training to the next level.